Build windmills instead of walls. Ageing is part of the course of life. The good news is that you can slow down this process of constant change. With a few adjustments and small lifestyle changes, you can start at any time.

Your personal daily rhythm
A regular daily routine becomes more important as the years go by
Once you have found your personal rhythm - usually getting up, eating and going to bed at the same time - you can only benefit.
This does not mean that you have to do the same activities at the same time every day or that you can no longer physically exert yourself. Manage your energy and give yourself enough breaks.
"Even at sixty, you can still be forty - but only for half an hour a day." (Anthony Quinn)
Of course, regular and balanced meals ensure that your blood sugar remains constant and that you get enough vitamins, proteins, minerals and nutrients. But on special occasions, take Oscar Wilde's advice: "I can resist anything except temptation" and be selective about quality: "My taste is simple: The best will do for me".

Circle of Friends
Social contacts can be inspiring
"Those friends that you can call at four in the morning, they count". (Marlene Dietrich)
Who can you call at four in the morning? Or is it usually you who is asked for advice, help and favours? Don't be afraid to scrutinise all your social contacts. Are there "energy vampires", constant complainers and other difficult characters among them? Consider whether you can - if not break off these contacts, then at least limit them so that there is enough time for the people who inspire you, encourage you and with whom you feel completely at ease.
"Both sleep and insomnia are bad when they are excessive". Hippocrates already knew this. In order for the body to regenerate after each day, healthy sleep is of crucial importance. The necessary cell renewal can only take place if sufficient amounts of growth hormones are released during the nightly sleep phase. Growth hormones strengthen the immune system, support brain performance and wound healing and are essential for natural cell renewal. As with healthy eating, sleep is only healthy if it is regular and not too long.
A family doctor who knows you well and whom you trust, an experienced druggist, a pharmacist, a physiotherapist or an alternative practitioner - are a great gift in the second half of life.
Build up these contacts consciously and "be careful with health books - you could die of a misprint " (Mark Twain).
I have no special talent, I am just passionately curious" (Albert Einstein). Curiosity is the best "fertiliser" for your brain. Set a new, interesting course some time before you retire. This makes it easier for positive new habits to develop and take root. Structure your days with regular activities that give you pleasure, increase your self-esteem and challenge you physically. You may want to volunteer - always within manageable limits, of course. New research shows that social engagement makes you more confident and stronger, and helps you cope better with your own stress.
After reading these lines, do you already have a good idea, an inspiration?
Whatever you can do or dream of doing, start it. Boldness has genius, power and magic. Begin it now " (J.W. Goethe).
A little literature tip for motivated implementation:
Maja Storch, Do what you want! Hogrefe Verlag AG, Bern
ISBN: 978 - 3 - 456 - 85659-9