In a prospective field study with 232 participants divided into four groups, the group given the liquid herbal yeast product and the group given the herbal yeast product in tablet form were compared with a group vaccinated against influenza and a control group. Better values were recorded for the two herbal yeast groups with respect to general condition, concentration, fatigue, vitality and stress in comparison with the influenza vaccination group and the controls, and fewer absences from work were also found.
Joller P., [Influenza and colds in winter – prophylaxis with a food supplement in comparison with the influenza vaccination. Studies on therapeutic effect of an herbal yeast supplement (Bio-Strath® Food Supplement)], Schweizerische Zschr. GanzheitsMedizin 1996; 8 (5): 225–230
Health and behavioural parameters were recorded over a period of six months for 83 children aged between 4 and 18 years attending a school for children with special needs. Improvements were observed in flu-like symptoms (coughs, colds, fever) in comparison with the current influenza situation in Switzerland. Positive results were also observed in the fields of distraction, agitation, fatigue and aggression.
Joller P., The effect of a food supplement on the behaviour and health of schoolchildren in a school for children with special needs, Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik 2005; 11 (9): 38–43