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ADS, ADHS, Aufmerksamkeitsstörungen

Study on Attention Deficit Disorder ADHD / ADD

Influence of herbal yeast on the behaviour of children with attention deficit disorder

In a study with an herbal yeast product on 18 children, subjective assessment by the physician, parents and teaching staff, and an objective audiovisual test revealed significant improvements in more than 2/3 of the pupils with respect to impulsiveness, attentiveness and concentration. However, all the children benefited with respect to the health parameters of fatigue and vitality.Positive changes in social behaviour at school and at home were also observed.
König S., Joller P., The influence of a food supplement on the behaviour of children with attention deficit disorders (ADD/ADHD), Application study with the herbal yeast product Bio-Strath®, Pädiatrie 2006; 1: 1–4

Further Bio-Strath studies